Stroke alarm! 4 signs to recognize symptoms

It is the most urgent emergency, if you’ll excuse the repetition. In spite of the stroke traditionally being given less attention than myocardial infarction, the number of victims is similar. When the patient comes to the emergency room protocol has to be followed. Every minute counts. A stroke occurs when blood does not reach some […]

Promoting physical activity improves intellectual performance

Marina has made an agreement with her son Javier that he will not go to football practice until he finishes his final exams because the boy is a little behind on his studies. After a few days, she starts to wonder if she made the right decision. She sees that her son is anxious, scatter-brained […]

Do we eat in a sustainable way? The impact our diet has on the environment

Did you know that the way we feed ourselves has a direct effect on the environment? The latest studies tell us that a change of direction in our consumption and the adoption of a diet like the Mediterranean or vegetarian diets could play a fundamental role in increasing life expectancy, help reduce greenhouse gas emissions […]